Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Austin Franklin: TWICE BORN

Every now and then we begin to wonder about how God uses Social Media to spread His love and glory. There is not a doubt in my mind that God can work in all areas because of some of the amazing people we have had the pleasure to interact with on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn and Instagram. Even though they may seem mundane, there are moments when you get to witness the power of God.

For instance, we have been interacting with Austin Franklin (@MAfranklin81) on Twitter, and he has been a great supporter of what we are doing, and we support him in his ministry as well. A few weeks ago Austin had an encounter that shook us up here at TWICE BORN DESIGN. Here is Austin's Story. 
On June 27th I left work at 12 for lunch. I made it 100 yards up the road and stopped to turn left and was rear ended by a many in a dodge work van (15 passenger type) I drive a tiny ford ranger.
I remember hearing his tires squeal but after that my next clear memory was in the ambulance when they were sticking me trying to put an IV in. I work for my Dad so he was called and he ran up the hill to the wreck. The following is information from him. When he arrived I was laying over in the seat eyes open but unresponsive. He told me he was going to pray with me and he said that we he put his hands on my legs and started to pray that I closed my eyes like i could hear him. The paramedics and emergency response people all tried to get me to move fingers and toes but I could do neither for about 5 min. after that they said I started to wiggle my finger slightly. I was loaded on a hard back stretcher and put in the ambulance. When they fred to stick me is when i began to wake up. I was taken to the leading trauma hospital here in Knoxville. Before I even left the scene a text had been set out to the college group my wife and lead and it spider webbed from there. My friend and youth pastor from our church and his wife were at the hospital before i got there and so was my adult small group co leader with his wife. 
The dr. did cat scans and X-rays and determined that there was nothing wrong with me except a bruise inside my skull. and so he let me go home! The wreck happened at 12 and i was WALKING out of the hospital at 3. When the man hit me from behind it caused enough force for my body to push through the seat into the back of the cab and push out a torso sized dent from the inside of the truck.
I met the man 2 days later. He didn't have insurance so per law in TN he was taken to jail. he never was able to find out if i lived or what happened to me, in his words he saw me laid over in the truck and thought i was dead for sure. My wife and I were able to pray with him and his wife and help them out in some needs that they had for him to be able to go back to work! What a PHENOMENAL GOD we serve!
I am fine now, they said I could have a headache for about a month but it is fading away already.Prayer works! 
Blessing to you and TWICE BORN and thank you for all you do!-Austin Franklin
Austins birthday is this week and we not only thank him for sharing his story but for letting us be apart of supporting his ministry. God is Awesome Austin, and yes Prayer does work. 

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